What is Wildlife Exclusion?
Exclusion involves sealing animal entry points to your home or business in a way that keeps the critters from getting back inside. It’s easier than trying to exclude wildlife on your own since you can do it all at once; for example, if you have rats coming in through the basement, seal off the holes they could come in from.
AAAC Wildlife Exclusion Services offers humane exclusion services for any wildlife that may pose a threat to your home or business. We have the expertise to exterminate safely and effectively.
We can help you with any animals that may be living under your house, or on the walls. We will seal off all animal entry points that we find, including sealing holes in floors, cement cracks around pipes – basically anywhere an animal might find entry into your home or business
How We Conduct Wildlife Control and Exclusion Services
If you have found nuisance wildlife in your home, business or property, and are thinking about getting rid of them by trapping. But, trapping alone will not solve your problem. Although you may be able to eliminate the first infestation, if you don’t do wildlife exclusion, you can only wait for the next group to arrive. Here are the steps we take to stop the infestation cycle using animal exclusion techniques:
Find and seal all entry points:
We first look for all the possible access points animals might use. This could be holes in floors or cement cracks that surround pipes or any other way an animal might get into your home. This can also include holes in roof shingles, roof flashing, and eaves. Next, we close off the access points. Sometimes, this is done by drilling rubber grommets or metal grommets over the hole. This creates a seal. For other situations, wire mesh can be used as a plug to cover the holes. Third, we will cover the blocked hole with weatherproof fabric to keep out rain, snow, and wind. Finally, we need to wait to see if any other openings could allow animals into your building before sealing them.
Exclude wildlife using a trap or one-way door
Top pest control specialists will locate the main entrance used by wild animals to gain entry and exit to your home or place of business. To properly exterminate nuisance wildlife, we purposely do not seal the hole. Once we have identified the problem, we can either place a live trap there or use a one-way door.

One way doors: If you don’t want the animal to be killed, a one way door might be an option. These doors are specifically designed for animals that allow them to enter but not go. The door should be opened so the animal can pass through but too small to allow them to turn around and exit. Then, we place some bait on the other side of the opening and wait until the animal enters. Because they cannot open the door from this end, it will be impossible for them to leave.

Live traps: If you want to use live traps, set traps next to any openings outside or on the roof that animals might use. To lure them into our trap, we place the traps near the openings. Once they’re caught, we won’t have to deal with or see them. We will place bait inside the trap and once an animal goes inside, it’s caught! If we are trapping larger wildlife such as possums or raccoons, we may need to use a cage trap. This is a wire mesh trapping device that will keep the animal inside, then technicians from our wildlife removal company will remove it from your home
Popular Access Points for Animal Entry
To avoid future wildlife infestations, any professional wildlife pest management service must inspect every possible entry point that rodents or other wildlife may use to enter your home. AAAC Wildlife Removal does a thorough job, but here’s a quick overview of the most common access points animals use to enter your home.

Ridge Vents
Bats enter attics by way of the ridge vent. It is a strip of metal that runs along the roof’s edge. We can use a Ridge Guard to seal any vent openings. Once the vents are sealed, we can do a complete roof repair to make sure your house is animal-proof. If you have pictures of your roof, we will be able to give you a better idea of if your ridge vents are where the critters are getting in.

Gable Vents
Gable vents are found in many homes and allow wildlife such as squirrels and raccoons to enter. These vents allow airflow in hot weather. They can be screened or have a flap that can be opened with the animal’s paw. A wire mesh can be placed to allow airflow, but prevent animals from entering these vents. We can also seal the vent flaps and repair any damaged or decayed wood that could have allowed critters in.

Dryer Vents
Dryer vents offer rodents and birds a convenient entrypoint. These vents are a common entry point for rodents and birds. The airflow through dryer vents keeps the birds alive so we need to seal off any vent openings and secure the areas with metal mesh.
Birds like dryer vents because of the warm airflow moving through them. As birds use dryer vents to access nesting spaces, you may see an increase in your electricity bills. The best prevention is the installation of common vent guards.

Damaged soffits are a perfect entry point for rodents like squirrels and raccoons to climb into attics. A professional wildlife removal service operator will replace any wood that has rotted and seal the openings using metal mesh or closures. Your soffit will look as good as new and your rodent family will be gone for good.

Wild animals also love the fascia on your house. If your roof has gutters, the fascia is what would be below the gutter. It is a longboard that covers any gap between the roof’s edge and your eaves. We secure the gaps with metal mesh and remove any rotted wood. Then, we cover it with a metal cover. This prevents wildlife from accessing this area.

Raccoons love to crawl under your home’s eaves. Eaves are the edges of your roof where it meets the side of the house. Our technicians can either place metal mesh in these areas to exclude wildlife, or we can install special Eaves Guards that will stop animals from getting back in.

The Chimney
One of the easiest ways animals can enter a house is through its chimney. If a critter is already inside, we can simply remove and replace chimney liners to get rid of the animal.
Squirrels, bats, and raccoons all love to find a cozy place inside the chimney. It’s difficult for animal control firms to access this area due to fire hazards and venting. We often use flameless heat-detection cameras to find animals in hiding. Or we can simply remove the old liner and cover then replace them once the critter is removed.

Cracks in the foundation
Foundation cracks can be a favourite entry point for rodents. We can fill foundation cracks with cement filler compounds to keep rodents out of your home. This type of repair not only prevents animals from entering but also improves the exterior appearance of your home.

Exposed pipes
All rodent species love to crawl through exposed pipes to get into the walls of your home. The best prevention for this is to secure any gaps with metal mesh, and then cover up pipe openings with a cap that prevents animals from entering again while allowing air to freely move through all spaces in your home.

Wildlife Damage Repair Service
After your wildlife exclusion has been completed, you need to repair any damage caused by rodents or other pests. Many wild animals will make their entryway into your home bigger by gnawing it with their teeth and by scratching with their claws. This can cause some serious damage.
Our wildlife damage repairs are among the most sought-after in pest control. We have the carpentry and contracting experience to handle even the most difficult wildlife damage. Our contractors have the ability to replace damaged drywall and insulation. They also have the knowledge needed to repair your home quickly and efficiently to reduce the risk that you will experience future animal damage.
Learn more about Wildlife Damage Repair

Attic Restoration
A terrible infestation may have contaminated your attic with urine, blood, and feces. This can make your attic smell awful and provide a breeding ground for mold. Our pest control specialists can replace any contaminated insulation with fresh, treated materials that are resistant to moisture and odor. We can also replace insulation damaged by rats, mice, or squirrels with new materials that are secured to your attic floor by heavy-duty staples. Attics can be restored to their former glory with our attic restoration service!.
Learn more about Attic Restoration
Wild Animal Pest Control
Exclusion is a humane approach to pest control. Wildlife can be humanely captured or encouraged to flee, and then they are unable to return to your home once their holes have been closed. This article provides information about a professional wildlife exclusion service that resolves the problems caused by wild animals. AAAC Wildlife Removal can help you with your wildlife removal needs.